• african penguin    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 金泉億製材廠

      認識我們:景觀用材、寺廟用材、建築用材、室內裝潢等各類木材製品、台灣檜木(台檜)、越南檜木(越檜)、非洲花梨木(African Padauk)、太平洋鐵木(Me

      電話:088324571    地址:屏東縣東港鎮興東路801號
    2. 綠企鵝獵才顧問股份有限公司

      Green Penguin Taiwan Ltd (GPTL), a professional consulting firm, creating and delivering services to enable its clients to win in the changing world of work. Founded in Taipei in 2006, GPTL has continually proved the quality services in the Asia Market. Among the severe competition of the global...

      電話:02-25580313    地址:台北市大同區長安西路53巷8號1F地圖

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